ISK's Financial Aid Guidelines

Guidelines for Financial Aid at the International School of Kigali:

  1. Eligibility: Financial aid is available for students who demonstrate a financial need and who meet the academic standards required by the International School of Kigali. 

  2. Application Process: To apply for financial aid, interested families must complete the school's financial aid application form, which includes providing financial documentation such as income tax returns and bank statements.  This is a yearly process.

  3. Award Determination: The International School of Kigali will review the financial aid applications and determine the amount of financial aid that can be awarded to eligible students based on the available budget and the financial need of each applicant.

  4. Confidentiality: The International School of Kigali ensures confidentiality of all financial aid applications and information provided by applicants.  Information is uploaded to a secure server and will not be removed or used in any other format.  Information from these documents are disassociated from the family to protect privacy.

  5. Award Notification: The International School of Kigali will notify the applicants of the financial aid awards granted, which will include the amount of aid and any conditions attached to the award.

  6. Conditions: Financial aid awards may have conditions attached to them, such as maintaining a certain academic standard or participating in school activities. Students and families who do not meet these conditions may have their financial aid revoked or not be eligible for future Financial Aid

  7. Renewal: Financial aid awards are usually granted on an annual basis and must be renewed each academic year. Families must submit a new financial aid application each year to be considered for financial aid for the upcoming academic year.  This process will usually begin in April.

  8. Appeal Process: Families who are denied financial aid or who feel that the amount of aid awarded is inadequate can appeal the decision. The appeal process will begin with a meeting with ISK's Director.