Middle School
The ISK Middle School program is composed of grades 6 through 8. Our core instruction is guided by the AERO/Common Core Standards
Middle school runs from 6th grade to 8th grade and is an important time of transition for students. At ISK, middle school students continue their work in a standards-based learning system while also learning more specialized real-world applications. Middle school students transition from a homeroom style learning environment into a subject-specific environment led by specialists in the subject areas, which reflects the more specific skills taught as the students progress in grade levels.
Middle School Curriculum
- Maths
- Science
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- World Languages
- Arts
- Health
- Co-Curricular
- Activities, Clubs and Electives
Grade 6
This integrated mathematics course is aimed at ensuring that students make sense of mathematical problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Using real-world situations students will be required to use appropriate tools strategically. While the use of definitions, calculations, and estimations with the appropriate level of precision is expected and required; it is the ability to look for and make use of patterns and structure that matters most. The course focuses on five main content areas: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Grade 7
This integrated mathematics course is aimed at ensuring that students make sense of mathematical problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Using real-world situations students will be required to use appropriate tools strategically. While the use of definitions, calculations, and estimations with the appropriate level of precision is expected and required; it is the ability to look for and make use of patterns and structure that matters most. The course focuses on five main content areas: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Grade 8
This integrated mathematics course is aimed at ensuring that students make sense of mathematical problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Using real-world situations students will be required to use appropriate tools strategically. While the use of definitions, calculations, and estimations with the appropriate level of precision is expected and required; it is the ability to look for and make use of patterns and structure that matters most. The course focuses on five main content areas: Functions, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. |
Grade 6
Grade 6 Science follows the NGSS standards in a project-based integrated format developed by Stanford University. This course will seek to explore the world around us and discover how it is linked together. We will develop an understanding of the scientific process and use this process to investigate different aspects of the physical, chemical, and biological parts of Earth and even the Universe! We will learn new skills to carry out investigations and develop a curiosity about the things around us.
Grade 7
Grade 7 Science follows the NGSS standards in a project-based integrated format developed by Stanford University. This course will seek to explore the world around us and discover how it is linked together. We will further refine our understanding of the scientific process and use this process to investigate how matter is organized, chemical reactions, and the interdependent relationships in large and small systems. We will learn new skills to analyze investigations and craft explanations of what we see around us. |
Grade 8
Grade 8 Science follows the NGSS standards in a project-based integrated format developed by Stanford University. This course will seek to explore the world around us and discover how it is linked together. We will further refine our understanding of the scientific process and use this process, along with strong research skills, to investigate how physical and human forces influence the world, its creatures, and the solar system. We will travel through space, look back millions of years, and study evolutionary history. We will study energy systems and argue for new technologies. |
Language Arts
Grade 6
Grade 6 Language Arts focuses on developing strategies to understand content-based fiction and nonfiction reading and writing. Inference based upon increasingly complex text is emphasized, as well as application of the vocabulary and figurative language to improve upon their own writing and comprehension. Public speaking and role playing are used to apply concepts and communicate learning.
Grade 7
Grade 7 Language Arts focuses on literature and nonfiction reading and writing. Inference, analysis, and application of text is emphasized as a means to develop critical thinking and creativity that can be applied in and outside the classroom. Students develop vocabulary as well as their use of the author's craft.
Grade 8
Grade 8 Language Arts focuses on reading literature and non-fiction, and writing in response to these texts. Students will think critically about what they read and craft writing that comments on and analyzes what they have read. Students will also practice presentation skills, learning how to articulate their ideas, present their research, and enabling them to use a host of tools to engage an audience.
Social Studies
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 7 Social Studies focuses on world history up through colonialism (about 1750). Students build on their knowledge of ancient world cultures and track their evolution through the Middle Ages, empire-building, and finally ending with colonialism. Students use their understanding of historical events and factors to explain aspects of our modern age.
Grade 8
Grade 8 Social Studies classes focus on World Geography. Students will explore the 5 themes of geography and compare past and present factors in various locations around the world. The course not only includes include physical geography, but also human, social, and cultural geography, all framed in a historical context.
World Languages
MS Spanish
Students will begin or continue to develop their writing, speaking, listening and reading skills in Spanish. It will focus on the three modes of communication, interpretive, interpersonal and presentational. Additionally, students will develop a deeper understanding of Spanish speaking countries around the world
MS French 1
This course aims at preparing students for the A1 level. It is built around eight different topics (plus three extra units for celebrations and intercultural understanding) and students will be able to raise their level of French through a wide range of activities where they will practice their writing, speaking, listening and reading skills, in order to have everyday useful communication bases.
MS French 2
This course will permit students to reach an A2 level of French according to the CEFR framework. Students will be able to read, write, listen and articulated themselves across a range of topics that are contextual to their age group. They can express themselves at an intermediate level and describe themselves and others in terms of personality, preferences, past events and present situations.
The Physical Education program at ISK is based on the Society for Health & Physical Educators (SHAPE) America framework . The premise of these standards & the ISK physical Education program is that all individuals must develop physical literacy in order to lead productive & healthy lives in which they can enjoy a range of physical activities. The framework includes five core standards. Unit themes are focused on six Activity Categories: Outdoor Pursuits, Fitness, Dance & Rhythm, Individual-Performance Activities, Games & Sports, and Lifetime Activities. Specific health & fitness activities are taught within these categories.
Rwandan Studies
Kinyarwanda lessons will allow our students to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others and help them to be integrated into Rwandan communities as well as to be open-minded which refers to being receptive to other ideas and new experiences. Students will also learn about Rwandan culture which encompasses codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art, and music.
MS Journalism
MS Student Council
Activities, Clubs and Electives
Odyssey of the Mind
Odyssey of the Mind’s creative competitions combine the excitement of athletic competition with fun-filled often zany mental gymnastics. Teams match wits & abilities together to develop creative solutions to broadly defined problems. It allows students to work with others and provides them with the opportunity to learn creative problem solving, brainstorming, and teamwork.
Digital Journalism
MS Student Council
School Wide Assessment Tools:
WIDA - English language assessment
F&P (Fountas and Pinnell) - Reading assessment
MAP - Math and Reading Assessment
Easy CBM - Math and Reading
PSAT 9/10/11-College Readiness-Math/Reading/Writing
Additionally, the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is utilized to evaluate student progress and ensure alignment of curriculum and teaching practices with international standards.
ISK Student Profile
ISK students inquire about their learning, their environment, and the world around them.
- Participates consistently.
- Engages in classroom activities and/or discussions.
- Give effort in each class.
- Completes all work in a timely manner.
- Displays organizational skills.
- Uses technology safely and effectively.
ISK students show empathy, and care towards everyone they encounter.
- Respect self and others.
- Responds compassionately to others.
- Solves problems in positive ways.
- Makes positive choices for the shared school resources.
- Show empathy by envisioning themselves in others’ positions and circumstances
- Works collaboratively in groups.
- Demonstrates a service mindset, putting others before yourself and contributing to the betterment of those around you.